Buying the Best Classifieds Script

There are several key points to consider when choosing the best Classifieds script. Classifieds websites, although very different in their specifications, have certain common characteristics. Imagine that you want to build an ideal classified ads website.

Typically, the most successful classified websites feature several essential components. For example, some basic key capabilities to look for are: easy integration of third party services, a well-designed and attractive interface, code modification capability and well-developed interface usability.

Most importantly, the classifieds website of your dream also needs to be well-equipped to cope with a high volume of visitors, providing accurate search results and running searches through thousands of individual listings while sorting/organizing the information in a readable format. Technical considerations can include utilizing the latest coding approaches and methodologies, an appropriately configured and trusted hosting environment and possibly setting up an SQL server caching to deal effectively with a high volume of queries simultaneously.

To generate revenue, a number of expensive advertising banners are often used. Banner advertising requires a development of partnership marketing strategies to identify, secure, and capitalize on key advertisers. Such advertisers may include a key local retailer or one or more carefully chosen top 1000 Fortune brands if your website is popular. Banners are sometimes linked to search results or to the page content. The advertising revenues from banner ads range from a meager $100/month to thousands and tens of thousands of dollars from each banner position in case of very popular websites.

Advertising agents responsible for running the campaigns should be both reliable and trustworthy. It is best if marketing campaigns are planned and executed by trained marketing specialists who have access to massive SEO/advertising budgets. Therefore, choosing a reputable advertising company to run the campaign ensures that the website attains much needed national media coverage. Again, the extent of advertising should be balanced with the number of listings on the website and the overall server capacity in order to ensure the website withstands all the customers that the campaign would attract.

Designing a website to meet above specifications costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. When considering how best to progress, entrepreneurs at this stage are faced with the decision which is the most effective avenue: either purchasing a classifieds script or building website from scratch. Building any business from scratch is expensive and depending on the specific venture and the target audience, can run into investing millions of dollars.

Consequently the ideal website is not a realistic option for many, as finding this amount of funding to spend on a classifieds website is for most people still in the realm of fantasy. Finding the best script available on the market in an out-of-the-box format is, conversely, the most logical solution to this problem.

Many people run successful businesses by taking advantage of the second approach. They are able to pay day-to-day utility bills, send their kids to school and plan for an early retirement at 50. All these objectives are achieved while working on the home-based or small business-based classifieds website while honing specific skill sets, accumulating funds and/or gradually building a larger team, in preparation for expansion into a larger scale operation.

This really is attainable, even with very limited funds, a small team (such as you alone) and little or no coding expertise. The golden ticket for starting your business website is choosing the most effective and efficient classifieds software which is, most importantly, matching your business model. This goes hand in hand with a suitable hosting platform, capable of giving you all the necessary tools and reliability. As we had mentioned, there also needs to be a well-planned marketing strategy, which needs to be implemented over time.

In this publication, we aim to provide you with time-tested tips on how to go about choosing the best classifieds script.

The key features to look for are as follows:


Every online business is unique and requires a certain degree of flexibility from the classifieds software. You are going to need to be able to make changes to the code when necessary. A particular company is comprised of different individuals, has a certain environment and atmosphere and a varying selection of business processes.

In all honesty, it is extremely unlikely that you will find a classifieds script equipped to meet all of your requirements. This is because out-of-the-box versions are manufactured to focus on meeting general requirements, popular in the marketplace at a certain point in time. As market needs shift, so does the software functionality that is available by default.

Ability to Meet Key Business Needs

The only thing you need to do is to research the proposed business processes thoroughly. Identify which processes and/or services your classifieds (ogłoszenia) website will be involved with regularly. Make a list of the most important things you will need. Prioritize these key factors into about four to five points most needed to start your business. Take a good look at some of the offers available on the market at the moment to help you weigh up the alternatives. Think about which changes you may need to make on a daily basis.


Important key features which you may have included could be, for example, ad presentation format, having control over the custom field searches, a distance search function or a postal code database for a particular country. If you have a 3rd party postal code database, you will need to make sure it is compatible with the classifieds script you are most likely to choose. Besides, many of them are expensive and therefore they are likely to stretch your budget.

When you have a shortlist of potential scripts, check to see which of those allow for customizations. Customizable elements are there to make your life easier in the long run. This kind of set up enables you to adapt, as your business grows and changes over time.

Problems can arise when the code is fully encoded. In this case, you have little control over the functions programmed by the developers of your classifieds script. The only adjustments that need to be implemented will have to be made through them.

Open source code allows for much greater flexibility. Changes are easily made in accordance with business needs either by the developers, you or a third party you may hire for this job.